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Certification of Businesses with the national standard Agro 2.1 & 2.2


Successfully completed by Proactive – Business Consultants, the design, development, installation and monitoring of a system of integrated management and good agricultural practice, according to the requirements of the Agro 2.1 & 2.2 standard, in the Producer Organizations of the Agricultural Cooperatives:

•    You scream
•    Prassini IKE Messaras
•    Ruler and

The aim of the standard is to improve the safety and quality of the products, the control of all stages of the production process and the improvement of the organization and operation of the Production Team, through continuous training.

By obtaining Certification according to the Agro 2.1-2.2 standard, the correct implementation of the system in terms of agro-environmental management and codes of good agricultural practice is confirmed.