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Participation of "Proactive S.A." at the seminar on "The new Legislative framework for the licensing of oil mills


The conference organized by the Panhellenic Association of Olive Mills (PA.S.EL.) and the Association of Olive Mill Owners of the Prefecture of Chania on the topic of "The new legislative framework for the licensing of olive mills" was successfully held.

The conference was held on Monday, July 3 in Chania.

This was given by representatives from the General Secretariat of Industry, Scientific bodies and representatives of businesses dealing with the olive oil sector.

Speakers at the event were:

Stratis Zafeiris, General Secretary of Industry
Yannis Bakalis, Agronomist, Special Associate of the General Secretariat of Industry
Konstantinos Hartzoulakis, MSc, PhD, Scientific Associate ELGO, Institute of Olives, Subtropical Plants and Vine of Chania
Michalis Hairetakis, Olive Grower, President of the Chania Association
Nikos Bounakis, MSc, MBA, CEO of Proactive A.E
Panagiotis Karagiannis, PA.S.EL Director, Programmer, Cost Analyst - Typist
The CEO of ProactiveA.E., Mr. Nikos Bounakis, presented the funding opportunities in the Agri-Food sector through the Measures of the Rural Development Program (PAA 2014-2020), as well as from other co-financed programs.

In the discussion that followed, the need for the modernization of the olive oil sector and the creation of a value chain, through the cooperation of producers, oil producers and traders, was emphasized, with the aim of improving quality and creating surplus value, at every stage of the production process.

Contact info:
Tel.: 2810-360814, 2810-231510
Fax.: 2810-360772
Contact persons:
Nikos Bounakis, Nikos Agoglossakis, Katerina Lamaris