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Proactive - Business Consultants participated in the 29th conference of the Hellenic Society of Horticulture Science (EEEO)


Proactive - Business Consultants participated in the 29th conference of the Hellenic Society of Horticulture Science (EEEO) and the University of Patras entitled "Research Applications and Cutting Edge Technologies in Plant Production", which took place in Patras on October 15-18, 2019 under the auspices of Ministry of Agricultural Development and Food.

The present was given by a number of reputable academics from the field of Agriculture both from Greece and from abroad.

Proactive SA with Zenagro PC participated in the 1st Session of Oral Announcements on Cutting Edge Technologies with the presentation title "Application of Precision Irrigation in Olive Cultivation". As part of the presentation, it was presented by the Managing Director of Proactive SA, Mr. Nikos Bounakis, the innovative program implemented by the company entitled "Precision irrigation and water saving" in collaboration with Konstantinos S. Hartzoulakis, Agronomist-Researcher and Director of the Olive and Subtropical Plants Institute.

The program concerns an automated irrigation software that collects the required data and information from installed weather stations, supports automatic calculations in order to accurately calculate the irrigation needs of the olive tree. In addition, it can communicate the needs of each parcel with the owner of the parcel (by email or SMS) or directly with the solenoid valve of the parcel (by SMS).

Below are photos from the event.